Wednesday 12 January 2011

Final Layout Evaluation

Throughout this project I feel that the research that I conducted to start off with helped me a lot. The reason why I feel this way is because at first when we were first given the assignment I didn’t really have much of an idea on the different ways that you can shoot portrait photography but once I had looked into the different work of portrait photographers and looked at the different styles of portrait photography, this gave me a bigger understanding of how to take the photos.

When I started to look at different magazine layouts on the issuu website most of them seemed quite complicated to construct because there were loads of different things put together on them but soon after woods I managed to find some which matched the style of the portrait photography that I was shooting. As soon as we had a chance to speak to the actual band that we were going to be taking the photos of, this gave as a better understanding of what they were looking for.

The type of style of portrait photography that they wanted was like a strange and interesting style as they are like a progressive rock sort of band, so once we had this style in our minds we came up with the idea to have abandoned buildings like hospitals super imposed in the background. To make this more interesting we had some of the photos with them wearing white masks and others without them. Once we had come up with this idea we began to shoot the band in the photography studio, we shot about 120 photos then we picked out about 21 to narrow them down and from there we picked the ones that we thought would work best with the backgrounds’ that we had chosen.

As soon as we had edited three of the photos with the backgrounds’ super imposed we had another meeting with the band, the reason for this was because we wanted to show them the finished images to see what they thought of them and they were very pleased with how they come out. We then interviewed the band so that we could have some text to incorporate onto the final magazine layout.

When it came to creating the layout at first we already sort of had an idea of how we wanted it to look but when we had edited it all together it didn’t really look like anything that we had saw before, so we then began to create another one matching the same sort of layout of one of the magazines that we had look at originally and this came out very interesting and looked very professional.

Overall I am very pleased of the finished layout because the images came out very well and worked very good with the text that we had incorporated into the layout from the interview.

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